شلة المقطعين

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شلة المقطعين

أهلا وسهلاً في منتديات شلة المقطعين للتسجيل اضغط هنا

شلة المقطعين

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    امتحانات توجيهي للغة الانجليزية


    h6746 امتحانات توجيهي للغة الانجليزية

    مُساهمة من طرف زائر الأحد 10 فبراير 2008, 4:37 pm

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينيـــةPalestinian National Authority
    وزارة التربية و التعليم العالي Ministry of Education and Higher Education
    General Secondary Certificate Sample Test

    Date:……….. اللغة الإنجليزية الورقة الأولى English Language
    Total Marks (75) Paper One Time: 2.30

    This paper includes Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary
    I : Reading Comprehension {40 marks}
    1. Read the following passage then answer the questions below:

    "Today I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter’s gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand." This speech showed the world two things: first that the Palestinian cause could not be forgotten, and secondly that there really could be a peaceful way forward. Arafat’s words also affected Palestinians deeply. Many realised that it was necessary to build bridges between Palestine and the West. This was the way to create international understanding and, one day, a free and independent Palestine. Palestinians have been building these bridges in many areas of life. Very importantly, strong links have been created in American universities.
    One great force there was Edward Saeed (1935–2003), who fought with all the strength of his great mind for freedom, equality and justice in general, and for the future of Palestine in particular.
    a. Answer the following questions: - ( 16 points)

    " Don't let the olive branch fall." Who said these words?

    What are the two messages in his speech to the world?

    How did these words affect the Palestinian?
    What was the only way to create a free and independent Palestine?
    When and where was Edward Siad born?
    How did Edward Said fight for Palestine?
    What does the underlined pronoun " there " refer to?
    Yassir Arafat was only a fighter. ( T / F )
    b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d : ( 6 points)

    9. A closest meaning for these words" gun and olive branch":
    a. love & peace b. fight & peace c. love & fight d. freedom fight & peace

    10. An important connection between Palestinian and the west were made in:
    a. United nation b. American universities c. The Arab League d. Palestine

    11. Edward Said fought in particular for:
    a. Freedom b. Equality c. Justice d. Future of Palestine
    c. Find from the passage: (8 points)

    12. A word that means: a. connection ……………….… b. talk ………………..
    13. The opposite of: a. weak……………….. b. backward ……………….

    تابع امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية لجميع الطلبة الورقة الأولى
    ( نموذج امتحان لعام 2006/2007 )

    2. Read the following passage then complete the table below: (10 points )

    Everyone nowadays knows the benefits of physical exercise-but scientists at the University of Masstricht in the Netherlands say the key to staying slim and keeping fit is to eat less and take gentle exercise such as walking or cycling.'People who take intensive exercise often reward themselves by spending the rest of the day in front of the TV, says Proffessor Klass westertep.'At the same time they have to eat more to give them energy for the next work-out. To avoid weight gain, it's better to take gentle exercise over a longer period.And health researcher Peter Axt believes that spending a couple of hours a day doing absolutely nothing is more effective than exercise in building immunity and prolonging life.'We always think that we have to be achieving something but just vegetating for half of your free time could be more healthy; he claims.

    What is the key to staying slim and keeping fit?
    How can you avoid weight gain?
    The pronoun " He". L.8 refers to…………………….
    What is the secret to immunity and prolonging life according to the researcher "Peter Axt" ?
    Walking and cycling can be effective in keeping fit according to" Peter Axt". ( T / F)

    تابع امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية لجميع الطلبة الورقة الأولى ( نموذج امتحان لعام 2006/2007 )

    II. Vocabulary {35 Marks )
    Answer all the following questions.
    3. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
    (6 points)
    1. If you feel…………………….or depressed ,don't just hide away.
    a) home sick b) house sick c) homesick d) homesickness
    2- Successful driving needs mental…………………….
    a) motivation b) concentration c) depression d) anxiety
    3- The …………………..of fire is unknown.

    a) affect b) cause c) impression d) refusal
    4. In Gaza farmers rely on the groundwater to water their ……………….
    a) homeland b) farm land c) farmland d) farmers
    5. Our banks have many………………….in many fields.

    a) achievements b) fails c) success d) assistance

    …………………..is a normal reaction to change.
    a) worried b) upset c) stress d) nervous
    4. Fill in each space with one of the words in the List below : (6 points)

    Schedule ;valid; withdraw ;faulty; revolt; administrative; credit card

    The Palestinian ………………..against occupation is lawful.
    We ……………………….money from the bank when we need it.
    ……………………let you spend money you don't have.
    I have got a …………………. that tells me what I need to do every day.
    My passport is……………………for 5 years from now.
    If the new computer is ……………….., you need to take it back straight to the shop.
    5. Complete the sentences with words from the same word family: (6 points)

    The bank has expanded its ……………………to larger projects.( invest) I'm …………………………to be a doctor in the future.( enthusiasm)
    Sami is the …………………of a plastic company.( manage)
    I'd like to…………………..for the job in the advertisement .( apply)
    Sharabi wrote about his…………………….and anger.( bitter)
    ………………………should send their CV .( apply)

    6.Correct the words between brackets into comparative or superlative : ( 3 points )

    I am ………………………...of all my friends.( thin )
    She speaks English …………………….than me.( good )
    He is ………………….talkative person I've ever known.( little )

    امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية لجميع الطلبة الورقة الأولى
    ( نموذج امتحان لعام 2006/2007 )
    7. A: Choose words from the following box and write each beside its opposite below: (5 points)

    Note: ( There are more words in the box than needed)

    Depositing ; income ; effects ; wide ; modern ;rural ; fees
    1----------------------- expenses 2- ---------------------- withdrawal
    3- ---------------------- very old 4- --------------------- causes.
    5- ---------------- city area
    B: Choose words from the following box and write each beside its meaning below: (5 points)

    Note: ( There are more words in the box than needed)

    schedule ; expenses ; dramatic ;found ; catastrophe ; free
    1- ---------------- money going out 2------------------- disaster
    3- -------------- sudden 4- -------------------- timetable.
    5- -------------- establish.

    8. Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable phrasal verb from the box below :
    Note: ( There are more words in the box than needed) (6 points)

    Got out ; brought down ;give in ; fit in with ; write down; burn down ; take on

    If someone threatens you , don't ………………….
    I ………………my book…………..and started to read
    You must do things that ……………………….your goals.
    The criminal refused to confess , but the police……………..the truth from him.
    I'm going to ---------------- the job of running junior football team

    تمت بحمد الله
    بالتوفيق والنجاح

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية
    Palestinian National Authority
    وزارة التربية و التعليم العالي Ministry of Education and Higher Education
    General Secondary Certificate Sample Test

    Date:……. اللغة الإنجليزية الورقة الثانية English Language
    Total Marks (75) Paper Two Time: 2.30

    This paper includes Language , Literature and Writing
    I. Language {35 marks}

    Section A: Answer all the following questions
    1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: (5 points)

    The mirror ………………was dirty.
    a) herself b) itself c) its self d) it self

    My father died five years ago.My mother still lives…………………
    a)herself b) for himself c) by herself d) hers self

    This land is ……………….
    a) ours b) ours land c) your d) their

    After …………………..arrival ,disturbances died away.
    A). I b). my c). mine d). myself

    The question …….…………. is not very complicated, but the answer certainly is.
    a). itself b). himself c). yourself d). herself
    2. Fill in the space with a suitable preposition from the box below: (5 points)

    With ; on ; in ; with on ; at ; out of ; out

    . . ……………….the end of the speech , the president fell on the ground
    Teacher Salamah is absent today. He is………………….business in Ramallah
    They could see you …………… two-thirty.
    I fell in love………………her at first sight.
    Don't try to do too much work and burn……………….
    3. Change the following sentences into passive voice: (6 points)

    People often say that money is not important .

    The committee has accepted them as representatives of the village.

    Today , the bank is still extending its international operations.

    All the Arabs say that the U.S.A is a friend

    Ahmed will do all the house work before leaving for the city.

    She will invite all her friends to her sister's wedding party.

    4. Rewrite the following starting with the words provided :- ( 4 points )
    When did he join the college? ( can you tell me……………….)
    My school is fifteen metres high.( my school has………………)
    Don't say bad words.( I advise you…………………..)
    This is your house.(yours)

    h6746 رد: امتحانات توجيهي للغة الانجليزية

    مُساهمة من طرف زائر الأحد 10 فبراير 2008, 4:38 pm

    تابع امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية لجميع الطلبة الورقة الثانية ( امتحان الثانوية العامة 2006/2007 )

    Join the following by using suitable relative pronouns : ( 5 points )
    1-Yassir Arafat was that leader. The people will never forget him
    2-I met some young men . I invited all of them
    Section B: [From this section answer Two Questions Only]

    Complete the following with the correct forms of verbs between brackets:( 5 pointts)

    Last week, I ……………..in the newly built pool.( enjoy / swim)
    When I fell , I …………………but I couldn't.( try / get up)
    You should………………such silly mistakes .( stop / make )
    I ………………… wonderful time with my grandfather in my childhood.( remember / spend)
    What would you say in the following situations: ( 5 points )

    You don't want your friend to leave school at this stage.
    If ……………………………………………………………………………………….

    You suggest to your friends to go to the park in Ramallah.
    What about……………………………………………………………………………..

    I'll never forget meeting the president.( this sentence means……)
    a) I forgot to meet him b) I remember to meet him c)I met him before

    4.Which is the true one?

    The man who I met him is French.
    He is the one on whom you can rely on him.
    This is the car I told you about
    This is the car which I told you about it.
    Circle the correct answer:

    1. I………….meet my teachers two months ago.
    a) don't b) doesn't c) wasn't d) didn't

    2. What……..your job after you had finished the college?
    a) is b) was c) are d) were

    3. He has always been a hard worker and he …………….…… still .
    a) has b) is c) has always d) has been

    4. My friends …………………… in the garden when I met him.
    a) was walking b) walked c) were walking d) walks

    5. In 1900, Jerusalem ……………………..a population of 4.5m .
    a) had b) have c) is d) was

    II. Literature (20 marks)

    Section (A):
    9. A. Decide whether each of the following sentences is True (T) or False (F):
    (10 points)

    choosing the road won't effect the poet's future . ( ) "the road not taken"
    life is a struggle we should face . ( ) " Be strong"
    The reward is always as a result of good deeds. ( ) " Be Strong "
    We should dream ,faint and fold our hands. ( ) " Be strong"
    The dove lived happily in the cage. ( ) " I had a dove"
    Glocester was blinded by Edmund. ( ) " king Lear "
    In the end,Goneril married Edmund ,but Cordelia died. ( ) " King Lear "
    From the start of events ,Lear realized that Cordelia truly loved him. ( ) " King Lear "
    Lear was cruel , dishonest , selfish and shocking. ( ) " King Lear "
    Love can be bought . ( ) " King Lear "

    B. Circle the letter of the most suitable answer: (5 points)

    ……………….is too secretive ,brave and fought for his father.
    a- Edgar b- Edmund c- Cornwall d- Oswald

    ……………………became rivals and enemies .
    a- Lear and Cordelia b- Goneril and Regan c- Edgar and Glocester

    ……………………….believed this and ran away.He planned to hide from his father's men.
    a- Edgar b- Edmund c- Cordelia d-Albany

    The duke of Cornwall was attacked by
    a- Glocester b- his servent c- Edmund

    Lear cursed Goneril: "Curse" means: (King Lear)
    a- ask the god to hurt or destroy someone b- ask the god to bless someone. c- ask god's forgiveness

    Answer the following questions: ( 2 points )

    1. Why did Cornwall call Glocester a traitor ? " King Lear "
    2. Why did Goneril write a letter to Edmund ? " King Lear "
    3. What makes Lear happy to go to prison? " King Lear "
    4. Why do you think the dove died? " I had a dove "
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    D. Quotation: (3 points)
    "I love you as much as a daughter should love her father"

    1. Who said this to whom?----------------------------------------------------
    2. What does Lear do as a result of this answer?

    III. Writing {20 Marks}

    Section A: Writing Composition: ( 10 points)
    11. Write two paragraphs of a bout 80 words on one of the following topics:
    1. "Banks play a considerable role in developing our national economy"
    Expand the following ideas:
    - The role of banks in encouraging investments.
    - The role of the government in facilitating banks activities.
    - Making use of the national income and local capitals in setting up projects.
    " your plans and hopes for the future.

    Expand the following ideas:
    - Your achievements in the present and their effect in the future .
    - What do need to achieve your aims and dreams.
    - what do you hope you will be doing in ten years from now
    Section B: Letter Writing: (10 points)
    12. Write on one of the following letters:
    1. Write a letter to Trust Insurance Company applying for the post of a secretary.
    Your name is Galal Ali and you live at 20 Naser Street, Gaza. Send your letter to Mr. Abdel Rahman
    Ahmed, Trust Insurance Company Manager, Gaza.

    2-Write a letter to your English friend John, inviting him to visit you in Palestine and spend two weeks
    with you in Jerico. Tell him about some of famous places and sights that you are going to show him in Jericho, Your name is Ali and you live at 50 Jaffa Street, Jericho..
    انتهت الأسئلة بحمد الله
    بالتوفيق والنجاح

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد 29 سبتمبر 2024, 9:21 am